Last summer when I agreed to coordinate a tutoring program for the dreaded summer program, the tutorial center got me an iPad. Summer on our campus = construction, which means no space. Consequently, the tutoring groups are spread out around campus, and the iPad was very helpful for keeping in touch.
Our director and other staff members promptly got themselves Zagg Portfolioszagg portfolio
I was a little jealous, so after a year of thinking about it I finally bought a keyboard case of my own. I chose the Logitech keyboard case.
It will be helpful for work, but I am also hoping it will prompt me to spend some more time posting here. At least that is what I tell myself.
That’s some fancy shit right there.
Not as fancy as the stuff floating around my office, but yes. I would never have an iPad if it wasn’t for work getting me one. They are just too expensive.
Now that I do have it though, I am trying to make the most out of it for work (and for me). That said if an iPad ever wanders into your path, I do recommend getting a keyboard for it. Either in the case or just a desktop blue tooth. I makes everything a little more functional.