Fall Changes
Fall has always been my favorite time of year. Perhaps my birthday had something to do with that as a child, but school was always a part of that as well. The first day of school was exciting for me because it meant a change of pace, and a new order to the day.
Now that we live in the South fall has become even more important to me. The most magical day of the Southern year happens in fall. One day in mid-September the humidity just turns off. Life becomes tolerable again and I can turn off the ac and still sleep through the night. I can stand to touch yarn again, and pick up all the projects I’ve ignored over the summer. There is a gift I need to finish, and I’m finally feeling the momentum picking up to get it done.
This fall digital changes have happened here at Sur le Seuil as well. In an effort to get my digital life in order, I finally bit the bullet and bought a domain, and have been working on getting this site in order. The CV is up, as is a rudimentary About page. Now, I just have to figure out what to put on the Home page. The only thing harder for me than coming up with a title is writing something like a bio or About page. I’m certain it will be corny around here for a little while.