Changing Locations

Last week, after packing up the house and putting everything on a trailer, we loaded up the animals and said good bye to North Carolina. After three days on the road, we were back in Minnesota and ready to spend a weekend with the In-Laws. Sunday morning we re-loaded the animals for one last four hour car ride, and headed even farther north to our new home in Bemidji.

It has been a long time since the DH and I lived in Minnesota, even longer since either of us lived this far north. We both have a healthy fear of what this winter will bring, but for now I am basking in the blue of the sky up here.

Bemidji Sky 2015I know the blue of North Carolina skies is supposed to be magical and all that, but can you believe this? I love it.

In June I accepted a position at Bemidji State University, and in just ten days I will start there as an Assistant Professor of English/Writing Center Director.  It was a little sad to leave NC State when most of the consultants were off for the summer, but I am excited about this new opportunity.

What I am not excited about just now is the state of my life, which greatly resembles the state of our house.

Unpacking2Unpacking 1

At least everything is finally set up enough that I can write.  Each morning I come into the downstairs office to work on my syllabi. Each morning I have my breakfast and coffee with Ceasescu’s new squirrel friend. (Look past Ceausescu and you can just seem him.)

New Friends

Squirrels are noisy eaters, by the way.

All the animals have acclimated pretty well. The dogs had a long day Tuesday when we unloaded the truck, and the cable guy came to the house.  They were quiet in their crates, but shaking and nervous the whole time.  They all seem to love the extra space in this house though, and the yard.  The dogs LOVE the yard, lots of space to run around in. The DH thinks they know this is home now, but I am not so sure.  I think they are waiting for us to pick them up and put them in the car for another three days.

Maybe I am just projecting my own disbelief and wariness onto the animals. Yes, I left NC State and moved, but I haven’t started the new job yet. It makes everything feel a little unreal and tenuous.



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