Floundering …

Arguably, I think my strangest reaction to finally graduating is feeling all dressed up with no where to go.

Brandy in regalia

Sure I have some fancy letters by my name and a little more time on my hands, but everything else stayed the same. Same job, same husband, same dogs, same projects looming …

The kicker is that now I have the time to research and write, but I don’t know what to write about. Do I start another big project (book length)? Do I try to get some articles out for review? Do I update my Vitae and get ready for the market?  Do I chuck it all and really delve into a project about corpses on television? (Because, yes, I am interested in that.) Or, maybe I actually try writing that detective novel that keeps poking around my head? As usual for me, the more options or time I have the less I know what to do with myself.

At least I finally managed a mid-week post!

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One Commentto Floundering …

  1. Alisha says:

    But you’ve worked your arse and given up large chunks of you life to get those fancy letters by your name (I’m assuming Ph.D?). I think you should have fancy calling cards and letterhead make up under your new title. You can now have everyone address you as Doctor Brandy née Brown Grabow. I believe your new title usurps your husbands so when your are attending those oh so many formal events and fancy dress balls, you can be introduced to the room as Dr and Mr.
    For what it’s worth, I’d be interested in reading a detective novel…

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