Change of Pace

I am still working more at night, but it has been a little bit of a trade off.  The more I work at night, the less likely I am to get up in the morning.  Since I’ve been good about writing on my lunch break at work, and I’ve gotten at least two hours of work in each night, I’m okay with that.  

I’m still getting up a little early, which is good because then if I need to switch back to the 5 am writing it won’t be so tough.  The problem, however, is that I’m usually left with about 15 minutes between the time I’m ready and the time I need to catch the bus.  In the summer, I might just  head down to the bus stop and use the time to get in some extra reading. It is too cold to spend any extra time at the bust stop right now.  And, while I am a master at writing in small chunks here or there, 15 minutes isn’t really the best at this point in the morning. The answer: morning blog posts?  

Maybe, but you’ll probably have forgive some missing words and grammatical errors, since I won’t have much time for revision.  Just chalk it all up to stroke-brain, and we’ll get along just fine. 

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