February, 2012
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Faking it until you can’t
You might not believe it, or maybe I’m much easier to read than I think, but I’m an introvert.
Really. It’s true. I’ll perform till the cows come home, but at the end of it all I need somewhere quiet. I need to sit.
At work, I haven’t been able to sit for about a week and a half. You can probably imagine how crazy that made me. Until today. Today I got to spend a whole 6 hours in my office, checking things off my list, and getting my life in order.
Life is seriously 50,0000 times more manageable.
Oh, and the DH got a job! Haven’t said anything because it wasn’t all smooth sailing, and I didn’t want to jinx it. Now that he’s worked two full shifts, I feel a little more confident.
Considering the red wine involved in this evening. I should probably leave it at this short update.